Lorem ipsum

Templates, Strana 10

BLOG flex do 3 sloupců

<style><!--aside {display: none;} #newsWrapper {width:100%;display: -webkit-box; display: ...

jQuerz keep checking for an element appearance

<script>var waitForEl = function(selector, callback) { if (jQuery('.advanced-order').length) {...

First characters from long to short description

.shortdescritption p:last-child::after { content: "..."; margin-left: 2px;} <p>&nbsp;<...

Hodnoceni pocet

<script>// Using .one() so the handler is executed at most once// per element per event type$(...

Responsive table markup

Doprava po SR Způsob dopravy do 2000 Kč nad 2000 Kč PPL 6 € $1,190 Záslikovna...

Run jQuery based on width

$(document).ready(function() {if($(window).width() >= 992) {$( ".p-detail-inner-header" ).insertB...

Hodnoceni post-it notes

<style> /* Hodnoceni post-it */ body.in-hodnoceni-obchodu #content-wrapper {width: 100%;max-...

Carousel Classic s přepínacíma textama

https://www.kolasvorada.cz/     <style>@media (min-width:992px) {.carousel-inner ...

STEP Script změna textů s delay

<script> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".navigation-buttons a.cart-count").click(function(){...

Empty page


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